Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jerome & Lydie in France

The wedding that I captured in France was 1 of the best that has happened for a long time. Its not what happened nor what the couple did nor the amount spent on the wedding nor about the location. Its the mood of friends n families and even the neighborhood and even the cars that we passed on the highway.

Everyone shared the joy n happiness of the occasion. Horns sounded for 30km from the city hall of the town where they were legally married to the reception venue - a great big mansion or a chateau as they call it. The horns were responded by more horns from other cars along the highway as they seem to say congratulations.

The joy on the couple's faces were filled with joy. Friends made special gift that created fun in the atmosphere. The couple just wanted to share their joy with everyone n they were greeted with more joy back. This went on like a never ending circle.

Here's a surprise gift from the friends on the bikes who escorted us to the Chateau. You should have seen the expression on the faces of the drivers and passengers of other cars that drove by us on the highway when they saw the couple of blow up dolls that hung tightly on the backs of the bikers. Other fellow bikers gave many thumbs up as they passed us too.... We laughed our heads off all the way.


There'll be more to come as I settle in with more shoots here as well...

Patience pays.... well.... :)

1 comment:

dorl said...

looking forward to seeing the rest of the pictures! :)
