Monday, March 31, 2008

Anthony & Evelyn

This is a story from my height... : ) This were nice pressies that greeted me early Saturday morning... Hope I get one of those... hehe...

Hmmm... let me check out what the bride is doing...

Why are you looking at me peeping at the bride...
How I wish... hmmm...

hehe... you look so beautiful auntie Evelyn... *dreaming*
Now its my turn... Hey mum can I look as pretty as the bride too? Please...

I'm so excited... Finally its time...
I'm smiling already can't you see...
Here's for the camera on the right....
And one more for the left... : )
Hmmm... Show's over... I'll just have to wait for another 20+ years to sit there... Hmmm...
And you!!! Stop taking photos of me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love this story line!