Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Yervant & Joe Buissink - The Masters

Thank you Canon!!! How many times will someone be able to catch 3 masters at work at the same time on the same stage teaching all that they know to you? Only here in Las Vegas at the 2008 WPPI annual tradeshow and convention. Here the secrets and methods they use to get the amazing mind blowing images that you seen on their web sites. The ones that hit the magazines! There's so much to learn. And Joe puts it very well, in his words " I don't want to be there, I want to keep learning and trying to improve myself ..." Imagine even Joe doesn't want to be there how much more should I yearn to sought after improvement...

Joe shooting a model couple with just a modeling light at ASA 1600 and a 5D on 'P' mode. Let me specify the 'P' mode on his camera stands for Porfessional... Hahaha... And 'M' stands for Master : )

So happened that a real couple was have a function in the hotel of the convention and Yervant managed to bumped into them. He invited them on stage to be subjects. How cool can that be!?! To be photographed by the world top 2 respected photographers for FREE!!!! Wish I was the couple...

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